While diesel engines have become more common in trucks and certain cars, overwhelmingly the most common car, truck, and SUV powerhouse found on the road today is the gasoline combustion engine. At B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton, our technicians are skilled in every aspect of gasoline engine maintenance and repair, to keep yours reliably on the road and running strong.
Transmissions may experience an array of issues, some more serious (or annoying) than others. Since transmissions play a vital role in the operation of your vehicle, it's important to know what to look out for. If your transmission is shuddering, here’s some advice from our team here at B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton, NJ.
Automotive windows are one of those things that you take for granted, until something goes wrong. One of the more irritating issues a window can develop, is dislocating from its track while attempting to roll it up or down. Why does this happen, and how do you fix it? At B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton, NJ, we’ve got answers to your questions and solutions to your problems.
Whether you drive a Duramax, Powerstroke, or Cummins diesel truck, sooner or later you’re going to have to replace a tire or two. You know when the tread gets low it’s time for new rubber - but there are plenty of other things that warrant a replacement. Here’s what you need to know, from B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton, NJ.
Does your steering wheel feel like it’s fighting you when trying to drive in a straight line? Does your truck turn too aggressively when you try to go one direction, and poorly when you try to go another? There are a few possibilities as to what it means if your truck resists going in a straight line. B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton has the answers for you.
At B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton, NJ, our priority is keeping your car or SUV in the best possible condition, for as long as possible. If you drive a BMW, Audi, Porsche, Subaru, Land Rover, or other luxury or performance vehicle, you want to keep it going strong for years to come. A huge part of that is keeping up with oil changes.
At B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton, NJ, we service all kinds of trucks, young and old. If you’re in the market for a new or new-to-you truck, here’s some advice we encourage you to consider.
Your Dodge, Ford, or Chevy diesel pickup will rarely quit on you all of a sudden, with no warning. Chances are, your truck has been trying to tell you there’s an issue for a while - here’s what to watch out for, from B&E Service, Inc. in Trenton, NJ.